Best Guide for SEO Onpage

On Page SEO:

On page SEO is the process of optimizing the content of your website. This includes the text, images and links on your website. Anything uploaded to your site's domain is considered on page.

Components of On Page SEO:

There are several key factors of on page SEO. One of the most discussed factors is keyword density. Keyword density is given as a percentage. The percent value represents the number of times a keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of words on a page. Other on page factors include the total amount of indexable text a page has as well as the usage of bold text and headings.

On Page SEO & Meta Tags:

To properly optimize a page it is necessary to add the proper tags to the page. This includes adding ALT tags to images. ALT tags are short and description and will show up when a user mouses over the image. Other tags include meta tags like keywords and descriptions both used by spiders to return relevant search results.

On Page SEO & Titles:

One of the most heavily weighted tags in regards to on page optimization is the title tag. The title tag is also the link that a user sees and clicks on when they run a search. Title tags should contain relevant keywords used to describe that the page is about.

Here is a quick checklist for on page SEO:

* You need to have H1 tag containing your keyword
* You need to have H2 tag containing your keyword
* You need to have H3 tag containing your keyword
* bold your keyword
* italic your keyword
* underline keyword
* You need to have an image with ALT tag set to your keyword
* More than 400 words needed.
* You need an internal link to your other pages.
* You want between 3-7% keyword density

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RichardSmith said...

Great post! The major constituents of on page optimization are the title and meta tags. There have been lot of assumptions as to the quantum of importance the search engines give to the above attributes. But this is unnecessary since these are vital elements and tell the search engines and users as to what the site is about. Thanks for sharing this informative post.

Internet marketing New York

pslvseoa6 said...

Schema Creator
Schemas provide users with an enhanced experience where they are presented with specific details about a particular company or organization on search engine results pages (SERPs). With this tool, you can customize how your results, including your reviews, operating hours, events, etc., will appear on Google and other search engines.
You can also integrate the schema code easily – it’s as simple as copying and pasting. The tool also has a free WordPress plugin version.
If you like this tool, there’s also a Scheme app which you can try for free for 14 days. There are multiple price structures depending on your current needs / business size.

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